We have one Earth, let’s take Care of it!



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Sarah Christie

Creator and Founder of Earth Care

Environmentally focussed solutions that are approachable, effective and will drive impactful change. We equip creative professionals with the tools to take care of each other and the Earth. 

Earth Care Podcast

Earth Care is a short form interview series that is 100% for the environment! The name is an extension of “self-care” because ultimately we can’t live a healthy life without a healthy planet. Host, Sarah Christie is on a mission to make climate change an approachable and not-so-overwhelming conversation for everyone. All interviews are bite-sized and feature new climate experts, heroes and entrepreneurs with their take on how we can save the planet.

Guests of Earth Care

  • "It's so empowering to appreciate what you already have and I find that it's hard to be zero-waste when you're trying to cover up who you are."

    Christine Lan,

    Actress, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur

  • "We are equipped with a lot to make sure we are learning from the past and we do not repeat the mistakes from the past."

    Dr. Hind A. Al-Abadleh,

    University Research Professor,

    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • "Now water is trading on the stock market much like other commodities. So securing access to water is something that we all need to be very, very diligent about and paying close attention to and opposing wherever we can."

    Arlene Slocombe,

    Executive Director,

    Wellington Water Watchers

  • "Education is the first step. If we don't know about an issue, how can we help it?"

    Jack the Kid Conservationist,

    Animal Activist, Public Speaker

  • "We really wanted to create that safe space to say 'you don't need to be what you view as an activist, you don't need to be a climate scientist. You are a human being that needs to be involved in this conversation. So trust us on this. Come find out what it's about and know that your voice is valid and needed."

    Anna Gordon

    Engagement Coordinator, Project Neutral

  • "Find ways for them to get involved. Kids want to get involved in everything, so just let them! It's really inspirational the things that they will do if you just let them go."

    Emma Christie,

    Elementary School Teacher

  • "In Ontario alone, we're going to run out of landfill space in the next 12 years, and that's relying on the fact that we ship a whole lot of our garbage to the states."

    Jacquie Hutchings,

    COO, Co-Founder at Friendlier